Stanford EE Computer Systems Colloquium

4:30 PM, Wednesday, January 20, 2016
NEC Auditorium, Gates Computer Science Building Room B3
Stanford University

Harvesting the World's Heat

Akram Boukai
Silicium Energy
About the talk:

Silicium Energy has developed a next-generation thermoelectric platform technology with unprecedented performance designed to revolutionize markets for wearables and IoT. Silicium leverages heat emanating from the body or infrastructure to power wearable devices and industrial sensors so that end users never have to recharge a battery again. Silicium's technology, created at Caltech and the University of Michigan, utilizes a "fab-less" approach using off the shelf silicon wafers.


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About the speaker:

[speaker photo] Akram Boukai obtained his PhD from the California Institute of Technology in 2008. His research focused on the thermoelectric properties of nanostructured silicon where he produced and measured high efficiency thermoelectrics. He then went on to become an Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan in the Materials Science and Engineering Department. There his group made a breakthrough in the manufacture of nanostructured silicon thermoelectrics, which resulted in the formation of Silicium Energy, a Khosla Ventures funded startup. Akram now serves full-time as the co-founder and CEO of Silicium Energy and is continuing his dream of taking his laboratory discovery to market.

Contact information:

Akram Boukai
Silicium Energy